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Kehillat Nashira
Dec 20, 20231 min read
Miketz - 60 second video sermon
This week’s instagram sermon is on dreams! It's the Parasha of dreams - Pharaoh's two dreams, The butler and baker's dreams are recalled,...
Kehillat Nashira
Dec 11, 20231 min read
Chanukah + Parshat Vayeishev
This week Miriam’s teacher, Reb Tanya Farber, shared the Hasidic idea of the Chanukah dreidel with its stem above and the Purim gregor...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20231 min read
Vayetzei - 60 second video sermon
Feeling alone, unprotected, vulnerable, in uncharted territory? Or is that just Yaakov in this week's parasha? Like him, we're more cared...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 17, 20231 min read
Toldot - 60 second video sermon
This week Miriam is joined by her friend Sarah-Beth Neville. Isaac digging wells isn't the most obvious place to go in this week's...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 10, 20231 min read
Chayei Sarah - 60 second sermon
This week's parasha is called "how I met your daugher" (also Chayei Sarah). We all know that honesty is the best policy. But what about...
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Kehillat Nashira
Nov 3, 20231 min read
Vayera - 60 second sermon
#bringthemhome #shabbatshalom #parasha #Vayera #miraclesdohappen
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Kehillat Nashira
Oct 25, 20231 min read
Lech Lecha - 60 second video sermon
Miriam is joined this week by her 'Pause for thought' friend, Remona. The Rambam said that Islam and Christianity pave the path towards...
Kehillat Nashira
Oct 19, 20231 min read
Noah - 60 second video sermon
While the distressing news continues, Maharat students have been fortunate to come together in New York. It's always so great to be with...
Kehillat Nashira
Oct 12, 20231 min read
Bereishit - 60 second video sermon
The midrash says that God created multiple worlds before settling on our one. Click here to watch Miriam's 60 second video sermon. But...
Kehillat Nashira
Oct 5, 20231 min read
Sukkot - 60 second video sermon
This week 60 seconds is on the paradoxes of Sukkot with Cameos from Waffle the cat and schach leaves already blown down before Sukkot has...
Kehillat Nashira
Sep 21, 20231 min read
Haazinu - 60 second video sermon
Haazinu is a song. The song part of Moshe's swansong before he leaves the world. As we approach Yom Kippur, which R.Alan Lew describes as...
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Kehillat Nashira
Sep 21, 20231 min read
Vezot haBracha - 60 second video sermon
This week Miriam Lorie is joing by Rabbi Oliver Joseph in his beautiful sukkah to talk Torah. This weekend we read "Vezot haBracha", the...
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Kehillat Nashira
Sep 14, 20231 min read
Rosh Hashanah - 60 second video sermon
Are you in the camp of people who love the big themes of Rosh Hashanah? Or in the "this is all too heavy, where can I hide?" camp? Our...
Kehillat Nashira
Sep 7, 20231 min read
Nitzavim Vayelech - 60 second sermon
In this week's 60 second video Miriam suggests you listen to this song, which puts these gorgeous Torah words to music. There have been...
Kehillat Nashira
Aug 31, 20231 min read
Ki Tavo - 60 second video sermon
It's Ellul! It's 2 weeks until Rosh Hashanah! It's my bat mitzvah sedra Ki Tavo! Bring on the ceremonies, symbols and metaphorical...
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Kehillat Nashira
Aug 3, 20231 min read
Eikev - 60 second video sermon
The Jewish week of love, book of love and parasha of love. I've always wondered what the shema means when it asks us to "love God with...
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Kehillat Nashira
Jul 27, 20231 min read
Va’etchanan - 60 second video sermon
This week Miriam Lorie is joined by her friend, Rabbi Joe Wolfson. Rabbi Joe Wolfson brings a beautiful Ramban on what it means to fo...
Kehillat Nashira
Jul 6, 20231 min read
Pinchas - 60 second video sermon
The good kind of slippery slope? That's what this one is about. I can't tell you how many people I meet who say "I've checked out of...
Kehillat Nashira
Jun 22, 20231 min read
Korach - 60 second video sermon
Ok so everyone is keen to point out why Korach is such a baddie in this week's parasha and don't get me wrong, I don't disagree. But...
Kehillat Nashira
Jun 22, 20231 min read
Chukat - 60 second video sermon
It's in this week's parasha where a black hole of death takes place, unmentioned, eerily skipped. But I think there's a hint as to mass...
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