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Bnei Mitzah at Kehillat Nashira

Why chose Kehillat Nashira?

We offer all Bnei Mitzvah families a beautiful religious occasion bespoke to your family and child.  We see a Bnei Mitzvah as the first step on a child’s adult Jewish journey, rather than an end point, so our Rabbi will work with you to plan another upcoming role for your child in our services as soon as possible.


Kehillat Nashira holds inclusivity as one of its top values. This means if you have a daughter celebrating, she will be able to lein or have an aliya in the same way that a boy could. Equally if you have a son celebrating, our community offers the opportunity to go beyond the typical roles, tailoring your celebration to their unique personality.


Please fill out the following form for enquiring about Bnei Mitzvah - this will enable us to prepare your simcha altogether!


The Bat Mitzvah Cafe

We are thrilled to be launching The Bat Mitzvah Café, a new and exciting course for Year 6 girls preparing for their Bat Mitzvah!


Through three engaging modules, your daughter will explore Jewish texts, build confidence, and develop practical skills for Jewish life. Taught by Rabbi Miriam Lorie. The course is structured as follows:


Module One - 3 sessions

Learning the stories of our women ancestors through art, music, and Torah


Module Two - 3 sessions

Building leadership skills to lead kiddush, benching, and havdalah, and planning ahead to their Bat Mitzvahs


Module Three - retreat day 

A retreat day with conversations about real life challenges and dilemmas

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Bat Mitzvah Cafe

Pilot Borehamwood Bat Mitzvah Cafe

Why “Café”? 

Everyone loves a drink in a cafe! Your daughter will get a personalised Bat Mitzvah mug in the first session and the course will have a chilled atmosphere with sofas and a hot chocolate bar for the break. 


Course Details:
  • Dates: 

    • THURSDAYS 6.30-8PM: 23rd January, 13th February, 6th March, 27th March (this session is a parent and child session), 24th April, 22nd May

    • SUNDAY Full-day retreat: 29th June

    • Closing ceremony: 6:30-8pm on Thursday 17th July 

  • Location: Borehamwood (pilot course)

  • Cost: £120 for non-members, £60 for Kehillat Nashira Builders, FREE for Kehillat Nashira Pillars.
    With appreciation to JOFA UK for sponsoring this course.

(More details on Kehillat Nashira's Buildership can be found here)

  • Commitment: Attendance at all sessions is required


This is a pilot course! 

Rabbi Miriam has taught approx 70 Bat Mitzvah students but this is her first group course, so we invite parents to be part of co-creating how it will look in the future as a long term, scalable model, with feedback sessions on Zoom after each of the three modules. 

Detailed Course Description

This is your About section. Every website has a story and users want to hear yours. This is a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are and what your site has to offer. Double click on the text box to edit the content and add all the information you want to share. You may like to talk about how you got started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to customers and how you stand out from the crowd. You can also add a photo, gallery or video for even more engagement.

​Module 1: Women Ancestors


Our opening module will look at 4 familiar characters, but in different ways to ever before. We’ll follow a curriculum full of art, poetry, midrash and music, created by singer-songwriter-teacher Alicia Jo Rabins. A grown-up - and sometimes dark - dive into the stories of the women who paved our way.


Session 1 - Sarah at the Akeida


When Hashem asks Avraham to sacrifice his son, there’s a missing character. This session will piece together where Sarah was that day and how things could have panned out differently, had she been consulted.Plus text skills resource: understanding the chronology of the Torah.


Session 2 - Miriam in the desert


We often think of Miriam singing and dancing with her tambourine after the sea split but there’s another story, filled with intrigue, of her speaking about Moshe’s marriage. This session covers contemporary issues like gossip, being a bystander, racism, and how much to get involved in other people’s problems.Plus text skills resource: understanding the geography of the Torah.


Session 3 - Vashti and Esther


As we approach Purim we’ll learn about the characters, midrash and art of the two female protagonists of the Megilla. These two characters show us two ways of having an impact as a woman in a less-that-fair world. Plus text skills resource: understanding the Jewish library over time


Module 2: Skills Building Workshops


Session 4 - Learn to lead kiddush


Plus parents’ session on options for Bat Mitzvah projects, mitzvot and celebrations


Session 5 - Learn to lead the mezuman before benching


Plus planning the final project


Session 6 - Learn to lead Havdallah


Plus project preparation time


Module 3: Retreat day


Open with girls leading havdalah. Two meals at which girls lead mezuman.  


  • Conversations for today:

  • Relationships with family

  • Social media

  • Bullying and the role of the bystander

  • Body confidence and mikva


Closing ceremony - girls present a final project of their choice and receive certificates 

Upcoming Events


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© 2023 by Kehillat Nashira. 

Reg. Charity Number: 1157989

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