Ki Tavo - 60 second video sermon
It's Ellul! It's 2 weeks until Rosh Hashanah! It's my bat mitzvah sedra Ki Tavo! Bring on the ceremonies, symbols and metaphorical...
Ki Tavo - 60 second video sermon
Eikev - 60 second video sermon
Va’etchanan - 60 second video sermon
Pinchas - 60 second video sermon
Miriam's Thoughts From New York
Korach - 60 second video sermon
Chukat - 60 second video sermon
Study Torah L'Am online this summer!
Shlach Lecha - 60 second video sermon
Three great articles on the Halachic arguments surrounding Partnership Minyanim
Bechaalotecha - 60 second video sermon
Nasso - 60 second video sermon
Bemidbar - 60 second video sermon
Behar Bechukotai - 60 second video sermon
Emor - 60 second video sermon
Achrei Mot - Kedoshim - 60 second video sermon
Tazria - 60 second video sermon
Shmini - 60 second video sermon
Tzav - 60 second video sermon
Vayakhel - 60 second video sermon