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Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20233 min read
Devarim - Zachor for Purim
I love when the Jewish library offers a scavenger hunt. A trail of connecting texts across Torah, Tanach and Rabbinic writing which comes...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20233 min read
Shmot - Yitro
Saw you at Sinai? Regular readers of this parasha blog will know that I don’t often take up an explicitly feminist theme. Sure, I’m...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20233 min read
Bereishit - Vayetze
When Harris and I watch Netflix, it’s generally in ten minute chunks, snatched here and there amidst busy lives. On the odd occasion...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20233 min read
Bereishit - Vayera
Hagar Part II - or the Akeidah of Ishmael Last week we looked at Hagar’s first exile in the desert, and this week she’s there again -...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20233 min read
Devarim - Vayelech
It’s Shabbat shuva - the shabbat of repentance - and our days before Yom Kippur are slipping away. Very resonant therefore, is our...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20232 min read
Bereishit - Vayechi
The scene is a famous one. Yaakov, on his deathbed, asks to bless Efraim and Menashe, the two grandsons he only came to know at the end...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20237 min read
Shmot - Vayakel
What is one moment which captures a picture of your resilience in the past two years? Have this question in mind as we learn together....
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20232 min read
Shmot - Vaera
Boiled eggs, free will and the Hogwarts Sorting Hat Like the hard boiled, burnt egg on our seder plate, with each successive plague...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20233 min read
Vayikra - Tzav
Tzav, which falls this year on Shabbat haGadol, continues the foray into the world of sanctuary rites and rules that characterise...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20232 min read
Shmot - Tetzaveh
Tetzaveh - you’ve got your hands full This is the fashionista’s sedra - full of opulent, exquisite details about clothes. The fabrics,...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20233 min read
Shmot - Terumah
Nine and a half years ago, when Kehillat Nashira was a new dream, Gaby and I, the minyan’s founding chairpeople, spent much time thinking...

Kehillat Nashira
Nov 23, 20231 min read
Vayetzei - 60 second video sermon
Feeling alone, unprotected, vulnerable, in uncharted territory? Or is that just Yaakov in this week's parasha? Like him, we're more cared...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 22, 20233 min read
Devarim - Shoftim
What are the things you live for? What motivates you above all else? What would distract your focus from a mission you are supposed to be...
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Kehillat Nashira
Nov 22, 20237 min read
Vayikra - Shmini
Shabbat shalom This sedra presents a veritable embarrassment of riches and it was seriously hard to decide what to speak about, but I...
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Kehillat Nashira
Nov 22, 20237 min read
Shmot - Shmot
Shabbat shalom This sedra presents a veritable embarrassment of riches and it was seriously hard to decide what to speak about, but I...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 22, 20232 min read
Bemidbar - Shelach
Here’s a fun text study exercise if you get a chance over Shabbat or before - compare the beginning of our parasha, Shlach (follow this...
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Kehillat Nashira
Nov 22, 20233 min read
Devarim - Re'eh
With the start of Shabbat will come the start of Ellul - our month of preparation for the Chagim to come. One of my friends, a fellow...
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Kehillat Nashira
Nov 22, 20232 min read
Bemidbar - Pinchas
Picture the scene which is set in this week’s parasha. You are in hills east of the Jordan river, surrounded by the tents and banners of...
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Kehillat Nashira
Nov 22, 20233 min read
Shmot - Pekudei
Last night, our minyan was fortunate to meet Jude Rose and watch a film about their journey from being a rebbetzin to coming out as...
Kehillat Nashira
Nov 22, 20233 min read
Bereishit - Noah
Most of this week’s Torah drashot will be about Noah - because it’s parashat Noah - and because Noah’s Ark is a majestic, iconic story...
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